What is an OCP and How Does it Affect Me?

    • An Official Community Plan is a big-picture vision for the community, guiding all aspects of how we grow and develop.
    • Langford's OCP is filled with goals, objectives, policies, actions and targets in key topic areas, including housing, climate action, transportation, parks, land use and more. Therefore, it affects your life in many important ways, including how you get around, access services and amenities, and the location and types of development in your community.  
    • The OCP is the primary legislative tool guiding decision-making and policy in Langford. All municipal bylaws, plans and regulations must be consistent with the OCP. 

    What is the OCP Refresh About?

    • As Wayne Gretzky famously coined, "skate to where the puck is going to be", the OCP addresses what Langford will need in the future, built for a population of 100,000.  
    • This refresh aims to create an understandable, aspirational and honest plan that marries action with bold, creative and future-forward ideas.
    • This OCP refresh is for outcomes, not timeframes. This means it is about what we want to achieve instead of planning for a specific amount of time. When we plan for outcomes, we are held accountable for our progress along the way.
    • It's centred on planning for the five global crises including: 
      • Climate crisis
      • Housing and affordability crisis
      • Equity crisis
      • Public health crisis
      • Infrastructure cost crisis

    What Does "Refresh" Mean?

    • "Refreshing" the OCP means that key parts of the original plan are being updated instead of an entirely new plan being written.
    • Updates reflect new and improved information about our community (like demographic data) so that Langford can best meet new challenges and opportunities.

    Why is the OCP Being Refreshed?

    • Langford's OCP was carefully created in 2008, and much has changed since then! We need to modernize the OCP for the future.
    • The refreshed OCP will address our community's most pressing issues as we grow to 100,000 people.
    • Building a whole new plan can take years. By updating the original OCP, we can improve a quality plan while making efficient use of public resources and time so we can get to work further and faster.

    How Long Will the Refresh Take?

    • Staff began compiling data and resources in October 2023, so we expect it to be adopted by Council by June 2025.  

    How does the OCP relate to Council's Strategic Plan?

    • The OCP is the primary legislative tool guiding policy in Langford, providing a long-term vision and land use plan for the community. All municipal bylaws, plans and regulations must be consistent with the OCP. 

    How can I get involved?

    • Please refer to the timeline at the side of this page for opportunities to help shape the plan. 
    • Sign up with Let’s Chat Langford to receive project updates!